Emergency Response

Rice Bags of Hope Rice Bags of Hope

Goods Storehouse

“As a storehouse of worldwide wealth to be used for kingdom purposes”, EFI remains vigilant, warehousing items such as clothing, furniture, bedding, water, baby needs as well as medical supplies.

Due to the storehouse efforts, and joining in partnership with other ministries such as Tallowood Baptist Church and the American Bible Society, EFI was able to respond quickly with aid after hurricanes, Rita, Katrina and Ike. Sharing the love of Jesus Christ with the displaced, hungry and hurting through food deliveries, clean clothes and necessary daily needs, many were ministered to physically, emotionally and spiritually.

Praying for the Gulf Coast during the BP Spill Praying for the Gulf Coast during the BP Spill

First Alert Prayer Network

Developed to link praying people together via the internet, First Alert’s mission is to watch, to sound the alarm and to pray in the defense of our city, region and nation.

In emergency situations such as sudden and immediate threats in the natural and/or spiritual realm, fire, flood, hurricanes, tornadoes, transportation accidents, release of biological or radiological material or chemical agents, or terrorist events, First Alert stands as a ready list of responders in prayer.

During the Deep Water Horizon crisis in the Gulf of Mexico as well as hurricanes Rita, Katrina and Ike, First Alert Prayer Network was instrumental in coordinating prayer events for the Gulf Coastal region.